Do you remember the comedian Tekken for the PV of British band Muse as I wrote some days ago?
This time Tekken has provided his new work to a singer song writer, Toshihide Baba( 馬場 俊英 / ばば としひで).
The ttle is "a coward or in Japanese Yowai Mushi (弱い虫)". You can check out the video by clicking above. This is about a timid boy with unluck growing up and remaing unlucky...
Tekken made some sad stories. I hope he will make more happy stories as well.
Comedian turned artists like Tekken are not so strange in Japan such as best known amonsgt all Takeshi Kitano famous for his films like HANABI, Outrage etc., and Tsurutaro Kataoka and Jimmy Onishi for their paintings.
What do you think of Tekken's work?
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