Looking for a Japanese contact center vendor based in Japan? Why Critical to have native Japanese speaking agents

Are you a cosmetic brand entering Japan market? Are you a software company, online game or online service company entering Japan? Great product/service is the key but another key for success is the great customer support for Japanese customers.
You must have the team, even just 1-2 agents. How do you find the good quality one with a reasonable cost? We help you!
Does your company have Japanese customer base or plans to enter Japan market?
We helped clients (from famous cosmetic brands, software companies, airlines etc.) to find a Japanese call centers. This way, we came to work with several major contact center vendors around the world. Some have the Japanese speaking contact centers in Dalian, China. Some have in KL, Malaysia. Some offer from Peru. They do so to offer a cheaper service for 24/365. The idea is that the contact center agents in different time zones can cover Japan market for 24 hours. Most of them hire small number of native Japanese speakers and many non-native Japanese speakers.
Basically, none of their qualities were good and the prices were expensive.
Japanese expect high service level
Having only few native Japanese agents results in extremely low customer satisfaction. Why? It is because Japanese expect very high service level(Good or bad!). You may have heard that Japanese service level is one of the highest in the world. This means people in Japan are used to such a high level of service and easily get unsatisfied with a tiny mistake made by agent.
We can not remember how many times Japanese people complaining about the "VIP" call center of major foreign airlines and they chose Japanese language but the agent did not speak a word of Japanese.
It is also not strange to hear so many Japanese customers complain about the tech support of major PC companies where their calls were thrown to somewhere in China with agents who could not really speak Japanese. And that is after their waiting for 1 hour before they could even speak as the line was busy. Not all of them but the tendency was so.
What happened is that many foreign companies have no contact with small and reasonable priced contact centers so that they talk to major global players in the field and end up having to use their non-native Japanese agents. Sadly with the Japanese economy being smaller by years, the importance of Japan market for such clients is smaller as well.
In fact, this does not have to be so.
This does not have to be so!
There are so many boutique call centers in Japan available for companies entering Japanese market. We have a network of very reasonable priced customer service vendors around Japan. These are usually not major vendors but they hire native Japanese speakers in rural areas where there are not many jobs available. We think it is important to support the local economies in Japan.
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