Most important ability you need to find an anime related job in Japan as a non Japanese?

How to Get a Job in Comics Industry in Japan? How to become Mangaka in Japan?

Source: wikipedia
Source: wikipedia

Securing an anime-related job in Japan as a non-Japanese individual can be challenging, but it's not impossible. To increase your chances of finding employment in the anime industry in Japan, having the following abilities and qualities is essential:


  1. Fluency in Japanese: Proficiency in the Japanese language is crucial. While some international companies might operate in English, most Japanese companies, especially in the anime industry, require employees to be fluent in Japanese to effectively communicate and collaborate with colleagues.
  2. Specialized Skills: Develop specialized skills that are relevant to the anime industry. This could include animation, illustration, graphic design, voice acting, scripting, or any other creative or technical skill related to anime production.
  3. Education and Training: Pursue relevant education and training. Consider enrolling in animation or multimedia-related courses, both in your home country and, if possible, in Japan. Having a degree or certification from a reputable institution can make you more appealing to employers.
  4. Portfolio: Build a strong portfolio showcasing your skills and previous work. Whether you are an animator, illustrator, or any other type of artist, having a portfolio that demonstrates your abilities is crucial. Make sure your portfolio is professional and well-presented.
  5. Networking: Network with professionals in the anime industry. Attend conventions, workshops, and other events related to anime and connect with people working in the field. Networking can help you learn about job opportunities and get valuable insights from industry insiders.
  6. Cultural Understanding: Understand and respect Japanese culture, customs, and workplace etiquette. Being culturally sensitive and adaptable is important when working in a foreign country.
  7. Perseverance and Patience: Be prepared for a competitive job market. Finding a job in the anime industry, especially as a non-Japanese individual, might take time. Be persistent, keep honing your skills, and be open to internships or entry-level positions that can be stepping stones to better opportunities.
  8. Visa and Legal Requirements: Ensure you have the necessary visa and work permits to work in Japan legally. Research the visa requirements for your specific situation and comply with the regulations.
  9. Passion and Dedication: Show genuine passion for anime and dedication to your craft. Employers in the anime industry look for individuals who are not only skilled but also passionate about the work they do.


Remember that breaking into any competitive industry requires a combination of talent, skills, perseverance, and sometimes a bit of luck. Stay focused on improving your abilities, be open to learning, and keep applying to relevant positions to increase your chances of finding a job in the anime industry in Japan.

tough to make ends meet with a manga job?

Working as a manga-related professional in Japan can be both rewarding and challenging even for a Japanese person.


The manga industry is highly competitive, and breaking into it requires a combination of talent, perseverance, and a deep understanding of the industry. Here's a detailed and comprehensive overview of what it's like to work as a manga-related worker in Japan:


1. Competition:

The manga industry in Japan is incredibly competitive. There are thousands of aspiring manga artists, writers, editors, and other professionals vying for limited opportunities. Publishers receive numerous submissions daily, making it difficult for newcomers to get noticed.


2. Skill and Talent:

To succeed in the manga industry, you need exceptional artistic skills and creativity. Manga artists must master various drawing styles, perspectives, and emotions to convey the story effectively. Writers need strong storytelling abilities, original ideas, and a deep understanding of character development.


3. Education and Training:

Having a strong educational background in art, illustration, or a related field is advantageous. Many successful manga artists attend specialized manga schools or universities to hone their skills. However, talent and a standout portfolio often weigh more heavily than formal education.


4. Japanese Language Proficiency:

Fluency in Japanese is essential. Most communication within the industry happens in Japanese, and understanding the language is crucial for collaboration with editors, fellow artists, and writers. If you're a non-Japanese speaker, learning the language is a necessity.


5. Long Working Hours:

Working in the manga industry often involves long hours of intense work. Artists and writers frequently have tight deadlines to meet, which can lead to extended workdays and minimal free time. The pressure to produce high-quality work within tight schedules is a common challenge.


6. Editorial Control:

Manga artists and writers typically work closely with editors. While editors can provide valuable guidance, they also exert significant influence over the creative process. Balancing artistic integrity with editorial feedback can be challenging, especially for newcomers who are still establishing their voice in the industry.


7. Job Stability:

Job stability can be uncertain, especially for freelance manga artists. Contracts might be short-term or project-based, making financial planning challenging. Only a handful of artists achieve long-term success and financial stability.


8. Intellectual Property Rights:

Understanding intellectual property rights is crucial. In some cases, creators may have limited control over their work, especially if they are working for established publishers. Negotiating contracts and ensuring fair compensation for your creations is a complex aspect of the industry.


9. Market Trends:

The manga industry is influenced by market trends and reader preferences. Staying relevant and adapting your style to match current trends is essential. Adhering to a specific genre or style might limit opportunities if the market demand shifts.


10. Networking:

Building a professional network is vital. Attending conventions, workshops, and industry events allows you to meet fellow professionals, editors, and potential collaborators. Networking can lead to valuable opportunities and collaborations.



Working as a manga-related professional in Japan demands immense dedication, talent, and resilience. While the industry offers the chance to bring imaginative stories to life, aspiring manga artists and writers must be prepared for the challenges, including fierce competition, demanding schedules, and the need for continuous self-improvement. Success often comes to those who persevere, continuously refine their craft, and navigate the complexities of the industry with determination and adaptability.

What is common way?

To help find anime, manga job in Japan, we built the beta ver. of the Job finder where you can post your portfolio.

The platform dedicated to finding job. If you are an employer, you can scout talents.


You can register and tell us what you think!

talllk, a job finder and scout platform
talllk, a job finder and scout platform
Comic fair or Dojinshi Convention in Japan Source: wikipeia
Comic fair or Dojinshi Convention in Japan Source: wikipeia

Comic publisher List in Japan

hitotsubashi group

It is a group consisting of Shueisha and Shogakukan . The biggest publisher group in Japan.

Otowa group

The central company of this group is Kodansha known for a weekly Shonen MAGAZIN. 

Kadokawa group

Its official name is Kadokawa Dwango.

Square Enix group

It is the holding company which owns Square Enix and Taito.


Example of the online/offline magazines

Gangan online

Gangan pixiv


Akita shoten



Example of the online/offline magazines

Manga life WIN 

Manga life STORIA

Sukupara Plus


Example of the online/offline magazines


MangaTime Aya





Started by Takao Saito

Example of the online/offline magazines

Leed Cafe




Shonen Gaho

Started by Ken Imai from Shogakukan

Example of the online/offline magazines

Young King

Hokago Young Comic




Dr.STONE 1-3巻セット【特典:透明ブックカバー巻数分付き】 [ Boichi ]
価格:1296円(税込、送料無料) (2018/2/5時点)

Yet...great to be a mangaka!

Let's delve deeper into the fascinating world of mangaka in Japan, exploring their unique experiences, challenges, and the impact they have on the global stage.


1. Diverse Beginnings and Creative Journeys:

The journey of a mangaka often begins with a spark of creativity and a passion for storytelling. Some start as wide-eyed enthusiasts, while others find mentorship under established artists. Regardless of their beginnings, each mangaka's creative journey is unique, shaped by their experiences, influences, and relentless dedication.


2. The Studio Symphony:

Inside the bustling studios of mangaka, a symphony of creativity plays out daily. Assistants buzz around, adding intricate details to backgrounds, perfecting characters, and infusing life into the panels. This collaborative effort, akin to an artistic orchestra, ensures that even the most complex manga series meet their strict publication deadlines.


3. The Enigmatic Pen Names:

Behind every beloved manga series lies a mystery – the mangaka's pseudonym. These pen names are carefully chosen, often reflecting a deeper meaning or personal connection. This anonymity allows them to craft worlds without boundaries, shielded from the constraints of reality.


4. From the Artist's Soul to the Editor's Desk:

The relationship between a mangaka and their editor is a delicate dance. Editors offer invaluable guidance, shaping narratives, and refining artwork. This partnership, built on trust and mutual respect, ensures that the essence of the mangaka's vision remains intact while resonating with diverse readers.


5. The Global Tapestry of Inspiration:

Mangaka draw inspiration from a vibrant global tapestry. From the cherry blossoms of Kyoto to the bustling streets of New York, the world becomes their canvas. International cultures, art styles, and traditions weave seamlessly into their work, creating manga that transcends borders and captures the hearts of readers worldwide.


6. The Humble Origins of Legendary Creations:

Behind every iconic series lies humble beginnings. The pioneers of manga, such as Osamu Tezuka, often started with a dream and a pen. Their timeless creations like "Astro Boy" and "Black Jack" paved the way for future generations, inspiring mangaka worldwide to push the boundaries of imagination.


7. Embracing Challenges and Triumphs:

The life of a mangaka is not without challenges. Financial struggles, creative blocks, and the pressure of deadlines are constants in their world. Yet, it's within these challenges that they find strength. Each triumph, each completed series, is a testament to their resilience, proving that art can indeed conquer adversity.


8. Manga's Evolution into Anime:

Mangaka are not confined to the pages of comic books. Their creations often leap onto screens, evolving into anime series that captivate audiences visually and emotionally. This seamless transition from manga to anime showcases the versatility of their storytelling, reaching a broader audience and leaving a lasting impact on the world of entertainment.



Mangaka, with their boundless creativity, unwavering dedication, and ability to bridge cultures, are the architects of fantastical worlds. Their pens wield magic, turning blank pages into vibrant narratives that echo in the hearts of readers globally. As we celebrate the artistry of manga, let's also acknowledge the indomitable spirit of the mangaka, whose imagination knows no bounds, enriching our lives one captivating story at a time.

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Source: Wikipedia


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