Need to Wear Mask in Post Corona Japan? No! On/After 13th March, 2023

Japan mask problem

so you dont need to wear mask but...
Now we see many foreign tourists back in Japan. Many tourist locations such as Kyoto have been extremely crowded.
So you got your flight ticket to Japan and booked some hotels (at quite inflated prices) and started packing in the last minutes?
You suddenly wondered what is going on with Japan with mask rules after the corona time?
On TV, you saw many Japanese at the World Cup stadium wearing masks while other visitors not wearing at all (yes, they cleaned up their seats after the game).
Our advice
Our advise here is that you do not need to wear mask in Japan now but you bring two or three masks at least and carry one with you.
In fact Japanese government announced that it should be an individual decision whether wear mask or not on and after 13th of March, 2023 (this is not an April fool joke!).
As of today April, 2023 the Japanese government, you do not need to wear masks but if you come to Japan, you see almost 99% of people wearing masks indoor and outdoor.
Probably you do not see many wearing masks in your flight (and those looking like Japanese also not wearing!) and would feel like it would be so when you land.
As soon as you land on Japan soil, you already start seeing a different picture. Everyone wearing masks including those Japanese you saw on your flight (if they still do not wear masks at this point, they may not be Japanese)!
At the airport you see still many of your fellow tourists without masks and may even find your comrade(s) in the shuttle bus or train from the airport to the nearby city. But when you get to the city, you are in a different universe where everyone with masks.
It is not an exaggeration. You get on a local train, and you find yourself is only one not wearing mask. If you want to blend in, we recommend you to wear masks.
We really do not think you need to wear. Most of our friends (Japanese and non Japanese) do not wear masks in Japan any more.
But you at least bring masks in your bag/pocket in Japan so you can take it out and wear when needed. The government policy (from Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan) also mentioned that you are recommended to wear masks in crowded places like train or bus in the busy time or are in close contact with someone who may be vulnerable to the covid.
And it is because we still see some venues require you to wear masks. For example, when the owner of a restaurant sets a rule to wear mask inside, you need to follow that. It is up the owner how the visitors should behave in a certain way.
Enjoy your stay in Japan!

The below is a very cool mask concept we saw in Japan! If you need, contact us!

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