MEGANEBU!, an animation based on Sabae city, Fukui will be on TOKYO MX TV and several local broadcasters from 6th of October, 2013.
Sabae city is famous for manufacturing optical glasses and in this animation series many of the main characters wear glasses. "Megane" means "glasses". Bu means "club". Thus "MEGANEBU!" means "Glasses users' club".
Prior to the start of the TV series, a special promotional event with the Sweet Paradise- a chain store of all you can eat sweet shops in Japan will be held between 24th of September and 14th of October, 2013.
Team Onegai Kaeru sometimes eat there. You can eat cakes, fruits, snacks as much as you want! And usually there is a chocolate fountain.
During this period:
1) if you go to this shop with your glasses on, you will get a free give away( special clear holder and post card ) and..
2) if you follow Sweet Paradise Official Twitter, you may win the items with autograph of casting members' on.
Production member of MEGANEBU!
Director: Yumemi Yamamoto (Twitter account)
Character Design: Atsuko Nakajima
Production: Toho Animation
Sweet Paradise holding this special events :
Ikebukuro shop, Tokyo
Shinjuku East Exit shop, Tokyo
Shibuya Parco shop, Tokyo
Kichijoji shop, Tokyo
Umeda shop, Osaka
For the event official website, click here!
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