If you are in Japan, you should try some sushi. Sushi in Japan is much cheaper and better usually than overseas.
If you are a sushi lover and will happen to be in Japan early March. You may not want to miss the following event.
The date: 6th of March, 2013
The place: Hotel the Manhattan, Chiba, Japan
The event details:
1) Sushi competition ( by individual ) by participants from overseas and Japan
2) Demonstration by Japanese Sushi chefs
The entry: not for public, you need to be a writer or so from media companies.
The date : 7th to 8th of March, 2013
The place: International Conference Hall , Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan
The event details:
1) Sushi competition ( by restaurant ) and tasting of Sushi for vote
2) Sushi good/items and related products display
3) Speechs on the global trend of Sushi and history of Sushi, and Edo period culture
The entry: It is a free entry but if you want to taste sushi at the event, you need to buy tickets in advance for 2,500JPY for one day (i.e. if you want to go and eat at the events for two days, you need 2 tickets costing in total 5,000 JPY).
For another interesting event at Makurari messe, click here!
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